Saturday, March 28, 2009

there's no need for titles.

Been thinking of various stuff lately. the previous entry was about the contradiction that was made or should i say can be made when something arise.

Moving on. Today's topic will be a subject of equivalent exchange. The focus here would be the giving and return of deeds. surely enough, there's a point in life that we provided aid or vice-versa. once or twice may be okay, but what if it's something that happens well, not everday or week, but frequently, perhaps beyond what is considered by " excessive" by some people. there's a certain limit the giving party can tolerate.

being nice to people is good. but what if someone keeps asking for it? especially those who simply can't 'see' that they're asking too much. if you're a nice person, maybe you could brush these kind of things off. the giving party might probably be thinknig, " it's okay, i'm free to help... so and so...". here's the dangerous part. if these keep on happening, a sudden epiphany on the importance of equality in that relationship, would probably cause some ill feelings to swell. it may not be big or overwhelming, but ignoring it can lead to more unpleasant feelings.

these kind of feelings can not be simply let out. especially if the person is kind of close to you. you're afraid that even with that mini "unfairness" that's going on, you simply become afraid of straining or even breaking that relationship. it's understandable. every single human being wants should i say needs to be acquainted....

on the personal level, acknowledging the feeling of being treated unfairly is perfectly alright. no one should be deprived of fairness, even if it's only in the form of thought. you're free to run if you like. but dealing with it is simply the best.

going back to the main topic. the concept of equivalent exchange can be simply mean everybody should realise that for every thing they ASK must be acknowledged and thanked for. sometimes they may be required to come to the aid of others. do it. it's karma. whatever you get must be given back. not to the person who aided you yesterday or the day before. but to someone else. if people keep asking for things, people will realise how ugly they'd become. if they don't, they're just simply screwed.

Just remember to give something back. A simple thank you can mean mountains to the giver.


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